North East Digital Showcase – Jan 2017


North East Digital Showcase was hosted at Campus North, Newcastle’s heart of the start-up scene, last night which is its monthly Digital Showcase and networking event yesterday, this month’s event sponsored by Hedgehog Labs one of the North East’s locally based tech companies with this first event of the year with the theme of finding the right people with right skills with presentations that could help with guidance and advice to help with the whole recruitment process, those who presented during the North East Digital Showcase are detailed here, you can also find out more about the venue at

Hedgehog Lab

Why they have a great culture and talked about some of their experiences with their community and events manager Rhiannon Davies and Julie Verill their talent manager. They have long service awards and it’s generous and special. They have a flat hierarchy, they have a management platform to set goals and recognise fellow employees in various aspects such as leadership and coaching with a regular news feed to inform others of any of these achievements. Their founder allows them to do what they want and have a passion for what they do and have many perks for working there, some people have left and come back even if it wasn’t a higher wage they loved the culture of working there. They’ve had people visit from their Indian office and loved working here as did one from their United States office and how welcoming and a nice place it is to work there, they have ambitious plans to promote stem in the community including connecting with schools and can find out more about the company at

Northumbria University – Northumbria Enterprise and Business Support

Victor Ottaway, Graduate Internship Manager with their Northumbria Enterprise and Business Support to help small businesses take on graduates for local based companies but isn’t just for graduates from Northumbria University, can get around £4,000 funding to take on a graduate. Just need 30 minutes to fill out forms and provide documentary evidence of their salary plus a little feedback and information for marketing. Graduate can showcase potential skills to an employer and address knowledge gaps and can get involved in different activities across SME and can get more details on the help given from


HiUp allows its users to create a digital CV with job scoring to see what jobs are relevant to them. Calum Christie their business development manager, went to work for a local night club a few years ago, and their boss there they still work for but went on to be a car salesman and while they were there got call from them to work for the company. Their head office is based in Dublin, stands for hiring and upscaling and is completely free for businesses and prospective employees for blue collar workers, the first version is available now and there is a new version available soon, they also allow identifying needed skills and link to training as they link to third party training providers. App is completely free, how it works as a job seeker you apply for a job with the requirements stated but can upskill yourself by taking training or accreditation and for an employer it is posting a job the people who are skilled and appropriate for the job. They split revenue with training providers 50 / 50 and they make their money through their training but offer the main service is free and they have only private funding without any venture capital, details on the app and more at

Insights Business Psychology

Michelle Minnikin does occupational physiology to help make business more effective and assist with recruitment and look at what kind of person a company needs then will design a process to measure what a high performing employee looks like. With a selection process to predict high performance, candidates against performance criteria. There has been lots of research into the method of predictors of job performance involving experiences, knowledge, behaviours, motived and fluid intelligence and is model that is easy to replicate. They can measure fluid intelligence with tools and tests to measure things like creative thinking. This is instrumental in the recruitment process, they work with companies and recruitment consultants to help apply their model to improve getting the right people and help coach people through the model to help people identify what career or industry a prospective employee might want to focus on as well as helping companies find the right people into their company. They can help reduce peoples’ biases when interviewing, for further information and to find out more visit

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